Saturday, August 29, 2009

New Life

I've been sitting around this life for years,
Not enough laughs and too many tears.
Trying to figure out where it all went,
These wasted years that I have spent.

Searching for something to go beyond,
Life's a stone skipping across a pond.
At the last skip, it hits with a splash,
Down the stone sinks, gone in a flash.

Pushing and pulling, it's tearing apart,
Poking and prodding an underused heart.
This dark velvet curtain that hides my soul,
Living this life has taken it's toll.

In a flash of bright light, the curtain is torn,
Tumbling down all tattered and worn.
Revealing new life, a child within,
Born free of hate, of suffering and sin.

Now my eyes see what has never been told,
Striving forth happy, confident and bold.
Into a world that's unfamiliar but friendly,
Into this new life my spirit will send me.

Living and laughing, loving it all,
I stood myself up and answered the call.
The darkness has gone, replaced by the light,
I gave up the darkness with hardly a fight.

I've been sitting around this life for years,
With laughter aplenty and hardly a tear.
Now I can see just where it all went,
Cherish every moment of this new life I've spent.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

After you leave SUGUS

After you leave
Will I still breathe
Or will my heart stop beating?
With sadness grieve
The Love that's freed
And mourn it silently departing?

After you leave 
Will skies be blue
Or will gray clouds be dark above?
When Earth receives
The pouring rain as tears fall for a changing Love.

After you leave 
Will Time be still?
These days and nights shall cease to be-
No hourglass nor hours to kill
No past, no future, and no memory.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Other Woman

In Love there is strong competition
For the central focus in the heart of a man
Two things divert his male attention,
His lady love and "the other woman".

The surge of emotions will at first prevail
And his heart in a trance will follow,
Hypnotized in enchantment that never fails
To drown his good reason and plans for tomorrow.

His endless love pledged in quick promises
The moon and the stars he will offer,
Drunk in the ecstacy of her sweet kisses
Even his name he will not remember.

But touch "the other woman" in his life
Instantly he goes back to his senses,
Guarded like gold with the sharpest knife
His grip so strong and so are his defenses.

Money is the "other woman" there is to deal,
When pushed to a choice, a man always holds
That precious love he won't let you steal-
For money, he will leave you out in the cold.